Welcome to Westbury Primary School

Welcome to Westbury Primary School

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Welcome to Westbury Primary School

Our School and Community

There has been a primary school in Westbury since 1839. Traditionally, Westbury has been a very settled community with successive generations of families attending the school over a period of years. In recent times the school has attracted families moving from the city to settle in a smaller country community as they seek out a rural lifestyle close to a city. The intimate nature of the school is often sought after by families due to our commitment to ensuring a sense of belonging for all. We pride ourselves on knowing every student as individuals with relationships being at the centre of our decision making. Our school is very proud to provide our students with beautiful green spaces inviting play of all types and characterised by our school emblem, our magnificent oak trees.

Our school motto is “A Caring Community” and we are deeply committed to ensuring a supportive school community where wellbeing underpins all that we do. We embrace the values of “Growth, Respect, Courage and Aspiration” with these guiding all our interactions and behaviour both as adults and as students. We believe in the fundamental right of all students being provided with the opportunities that they need to reach their full potential. We work together with families, our support staff, Department of Education Lead Coaches and the students themselves to ensure this. We offer weekly specialist Art, Music, PE and Japanese lessons to all students and we embed the principles of Zones of Regulation throughout our school. Our students have the opportunity to participate in a wide range of extra curricula activities such as Instrumental Band, Country Gold and other sporting opportunities and Student Representative Council.

Our school has a strong tradition of parent and community involvement. The School Association plays an integral role in school policy and planning and is committed to the goal of attracting all Westbury families to enrol in and support their local school. Our Parents and Friends group is active in fundraising and supporting our school in a variety of hands on ways such as our School Fair, a Fun Run and providing a canteen for lunch orders once a week.

Our school is prominent in a wide range of community activities and events and there is a strong commitment to the ethos of community partnerships such as the local branch of the RSL and Rotary Clubs. We actively participate in ceremonies such as the local Anzac Day Service; Westbury Show and are very proud of ensuring sustainability through initiatives such as the Recycling Hub and Community Garden. Our local community looks forward to our “Highlights of the Term” newsletter which is letterboxed to each home in our catchment area. We are key members of the Meander Valley Cluster of schools and work together to ensure continuity of practise throughout our schools.

Yours Sincerely

Lynn Wyllie-Watson

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